Jerry Coyne Quotes

If you cant think of an observation that could disprove a theory, that theory simply isnt scientific.

Jerry Coyne

Its clear that this resistance stems largely from religion. You can find religions without creationism, but you never find creationism without religion.

Jerry Coyne

The battle for evolution seems never-ending. And the battle is part of a wider war, a war between rationality and superstition.

Jerry Coyne

Evolution tells us where we came from, not where we can go.

Jerry Coyne

If the history of science teaches us anything, it is that what conquers our ignorance is research, not giving up and attributing our ignorance to the miraculous work of a creator.

Jerry Coyne

We now have many of the answers that once eluded Darwin, thanks to two developments that he could not have imagined: continental drift and molecular taxonomy.

Jerry Coyne

We humans have many vestigial features proving that we evolved. The most famous is the appendix.

Jerry Coyne
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